Day in the life of a Travel Blogger
Posted on October 5, 2018 by Ghoomophiro

Travel Blogging is made out to be such a glamorous job and we constantly get emails asking us what it is like and how can people set up their own travel blog. What people don’t understand is the work that goes behind keeping up a travel blog. It may not be a regular 9 to 5 job but it still requires a lot of hard work and working all the time whether it is weekend or holidays. So this post is to let you guys take a peek behind the curtain and let you see what each day is like in the life of a travel blogger.
Our day begins at 7-7:30
Though we aren’t much of morning people unless there’s an agenda like catching a beautiful sunset or an early flight. But the day does star with a short walk and a cup of tea or coffee afterwards. This is also the time when we check our schedule for the day or sometimes the coming week. It includes the daily social media content we must put up among other things like the places to visit that day, some basic details about the travel plans.
We plan the trip and have all the details regarding it saved. It becomes necessary to glance it over early in the morning to get a fair idea of how the day would pan out for us.
Social Media Plan
Being a Travel blogger requires one to have an impactful and consistent social media presence and while we do take pictures on the go and do live tweeting, it is still essential to plan out certain things in advance. Some posts are scheduled in case there is weak wifi connectivity where we are travelling. Whether it is India or travelling abroad, sometimes it gets hard to find internet connectivity except for in the hotel, so we keep a social media plan in hand.
This includes posts and pictures about our previous trips, some basic guides about the place we are travelling to and when there is internet available, live updates as well as personal experience write-ups. Though we prefer to write these things at night, we type out certain memorable instances on the go along with pictures so it jogs our memory when we actually start to write.
Our social media plan is also planned beforehand in the same way as our travels. And the bulletin is scheduled keeping in mind the destinations of our travel. It is really helpful but we also keep updating it according to circumstance, keeping it flexible.
Working on the go
That’s one of the things about being a travel blogger. You have to learn how to work on the go. This doesn’t require much of internet connection unless we need to research something. Otherwise, basic document software works fine for preparing the posts. Though we do live in the moment and enjoy the travels, the thought of how to present a particular place is always in the back of our mind. Preparing a blog post is not as easy as it sounds and more often than not requires research to be done, thorough knowledge and a unique style is needed to make the blog stand out from all others.
Real Time Travel:
No matter what it looks like, work isn’t ALL we do. That is why travel blogging is fun because you also get to travel to amazing places and know the stories related to that place. Being in the moment, doing things that fill you with adrenaline on one hand and peace, on the other hand, is worth it. We leave the real travelling and visiting places part for the afternoon because of perfect lighting and the day just keeps us refreshed. Meanwhile, as we work and travel, it is almost time for sunset. And that isn’t something we s travellers ever want to miss.
Meetings on the go:
Checking up on our family, friends as well as responding to emails, messages and blog comments, it is all done during the travel. We generally find a secluded coffee shop or any nice quiet space to deal with all that. This is also the perfect time to reach out to people. We generally find evenings more comfortable to have a cup of tea with locals and get chatty. It also is a great time to visit heritage places or beaches.
Night time is perfect for two things depending on the place you have been travelling to. If it is a serene place, we like to go for a long walk beneath the starry sky and if it is more of a modern place with a good nightlife, then, clubbing and going out for drinks comes on the agenda. Night time can often be just as good to have a full experience of place and absorbing its beauty as daytime. We are kind of night owls so instead of spending the time recuperating in our hotel rooms, we prefer to roam around.
An Hour before sleep
Usually, by this time, we are already exhausted and ready to get cosy in bed. But before we fall asleep, we check if there is anything left on our checklists, something we forgot to do or any urgent proposal to consider. It is also the time to process and post any pictures we found intriguing. If we didn’t get time to write or work during the day because of some reason, we finish it up before sleeping which can be hard because of exhaustion but one has to fight it.
So that is all. That shows you how we live our lives while on the move, managing travelling and blogging at the same time. But when we aren’t travelling and are back home, we relax and spend time with our families and friends, try to indulge in other things like catching up on books or TV shows or do our favourite thing- plan for our next travel adventures.
This design is spectacular! You most certainly know how to keep a reader amused.
Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved too tart my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!)
Excellent job. I really loved what you had to say, and moire than that, how you presented it.
Too cool!