Photographic Field Guide to the Wildlife of Central India – Must Have Book
Posted on January 5, 2017 by Ghoomophiro

Are you a wildlife enthusiast and wanted to explore the biodiversity of Central India? Then here is a Photographic Field Guide for you.
About the Book
Photographic Field Guide for Central India is a comprehensive take on mammals, birds, butterflies, dragonflies, reptiles and amphibians of the Central India. The taxonomic revisions and recent species splits have all been taken into account and addressed in the leaves of the book.The book is 15 by 22 cm with 300 pages. Its comprehensiveness, size, quality of images, descriptions, and state of the art quality of paper and print are some of the biggest advantages of owning a copy of this field guide. The book acts as a perfect first-hand reference in the field with enough data for the most important task of all – identification. All the scientific data and additional characters are given in most of the Indian specialized guides may not be something that a tourist, naturalist or even the researcher is looking for in the field. One can always refer to them in libraries or in the lodges and can avoid the additional load in the field.
About the Authors
David Raju and Surya Ramachandran, the authors have over fourteen years of wildlife guiding experience in Central India. Coming from south India, what brought them to central India is their love of chasing and tracking wild cats in and out. Nevertheless, their love for lesser known fauna still continues that includes butterflies, dragonflies, snakes, and frogs. They have been fortunate to have the mentorship of Sarath Champati, Hashim Tyabji and a few others. Both of them have traveled the central India throughout and share special equation with this wildlife. Be it Satpura, or Pachmarhi, both of them have hands-on experience to explore the biodiversities.
How to Order
Book is available at Instamojo at a minimal price of INR 1000. To stay connected with authors, you may like their facebook page.