How Solo Travel Heals Break-Ups

Posted on July 1, 2016 by

Break-ups are painful. It feels bad, that the person you trusted from your heart, gave everything dumped you and did not acknowledge your worth. They are not only miserable but quite disappointing too. These are in fact testing times, but unfortunately most of us go through it. Few come out of it gracefully and use this to evolve themselves as person while others linger on it for more time. Best thing one can do is, pick up a bag-pack, get your passport and start travelling. Invest your anxieties, anger as cure and look at the brighter side of life. For your solo travel, since you shall be involved in multiple activities, you will realize that you can conquer anything and everything in the world. Here we are penning down some important reasons to travel solo, which can detox and detach you from your past which bonfire of your ex’s belonging can’t do.

Travel Distracts You

Breakups leads you in vicious circle of thoughts. You keep reminded of the time spent with your ex, things done, not done and all kind of multiple thoughts. They drain you with numerous thoughts. Exploring new places solo gives you fresh perspective and thoughts about the life. You realize different people have different problems and you are the not the only going through pain. Solo travel lets you heal your pain, as you are away from the painful memories.


Travel Boosts your Confidence

During break up, one’s confidence does go for a toss. In this situation planning everything on your own, meeting new people, though for a week or a month helps you to get on the right track and boost your ability to make decisions. Travelling solo does everything which is required for a bruised ego.

Travel lets you explore your true-self
Post breakups, it is very important to hold on to your senses and realign yourself towards your lets you to go beyond your limits and forces you to experience the new things about yourself. You realize your strength and weakness. It is actually a rediscovery mode, which eventually helps in healing your breakup grief. Trust your intuition and enrich your experience.The memories you make with yourself are yours to keep and will never come with any regrets. You’ll learn valuable lessons and truly understand what you’re capable of. An adventure is food for the soul.


Travel lets you smile again

World is a beautiful place. Nature’s enchanting beauty will definitely make you smile again. It will also let you realize the value of time and who is worth of your tears.


If you’re feeling upset, go pack your bags and get yourself indulged in the world of adventure. Travel is the best thing you can do with your break-up. It is indeed a therapeutic experience one can have. We are sure, once you shall be back, you shall be thoroughly rejuvenated and up to take up next steps with more zeal in life. You might change something in your stars and thereby changing your destiny

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