5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh
Posted on February 10, 2019 by Ghoomophiro

It is as Benjamin Franklin said, “Early to bed, early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Well, normally, we would return with “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man an unhappy wife” but if you are traveling Ladhakh the Benjy advice is very important due to a number of factors. Here we bring you a list of 5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh:
1. Beautiful Scenarios
For you don’t come this far to visit Ladhakh if you do not love its natural beauty. The breathtaking views nature has to offer are at their best in time for sunrise and sunsets. And so the first of 5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh is to have time to go click-happy and ornament your Instagram account.
2. Avoiding delays
There are plenty of construction projects forever in motion in Ladhakh sometimes blocking roads for hours, in fact, there are many scheduled road closures. The later you start, the more chances of being stuck in a road closure. So next in our list of 5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh is that it is your best option if you wish to avoid delays or waiting for long hours in traffic. You may as well stay in your urban city if that is what you were going to do. Right? Besides the fact that delays will eat into your precious time (a traveler can never have enough time), they are just annoying and mood killers.
3. Avoiding snow slides and landslides
Another reason in our list of 5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh is that it is your best option if you wish to avoid snow slides and landslides. With an increase in temperature during the day, the snow starts melting causing problems on roads and even closing roads especially during the latter half of the day.
4. Avoiding shooting rocks
Yes you heard it, there is such a thing as shooting rocks and it is not a very pleasant thing. The strong wind can carry stones at the speed of bullets which won’t be good for your cars’ glass windows. The later in the day, the more the speed of the wind. It is thus fourth in our list of 5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh. Like with watersides, your car might have to suffer from shooting stars because of your laziness. Show mercy on the poor thing!
5. A contingency plan
With so many factors working against you, it is always good to have a contingency plan. For it is not a very good thing if you end up at nowhere place in Ladhakh in the middle of the night. The cold climate, if nothing else, would bug you. Thus the last of 5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh is to make sure to reach your destination well in time before darkness.
So this is all from our list of 5 reasons to start early and sleep early while in Ladakh. We hope this blog helps in planning your trip. In fact, some of these reasons hold good for traveling in rough mountain regions at high altitudes in particular and all kind of travels in general. If you are lazy or a night animal like us, it is easier said than done but we do hope this blog will give even the laziest among you reason to get up early. ☺