Tamil Nadu to follow stringent measures to curb the spread of the virus

Posted on April 9, 2021 by

Keeping in sync with the other states, and in the rising trend of the number of active cases, the state government of Tamil Nadu has again announced the introduction of stringent measures in respect to Covid-19. According to the recent reports, permission has been granted for only 50% of seating facilities in the cinema halls, and there shall be a total restriction on particular activities from April 10.
In order to prevent the spread of the virus, the government has requested all people aged above 45 years to take their vaccination within two weeks. They should get vaccinated either in the government or in the recognized private facilities.
Moreover, the accumulation of crowds in festivals and religious events is strictly banned but prayers can be conducted in all religious places by following the Covid rules like social distancing and wearing proper masks. This is permissible until 8 PM.
According to a report, the e-registration rule shall be functional for monitoring the people arriving in Tamil Nadu from overseas and other states.
As of now, you are not required to carry an RT-PCR test report while traveling to Chennai or any other inter-district places within Tamil Nadu. But, the e-pass system shall remain functional as before for international and interstate travelers.
While stating the guidelines, the government exclaimed that the cause behind the rise in the number of positive cases in few districts has been the events, functions, meetings, and most essentially, the reluctance to maintain the Covid protocols such as social distancing, use of proper masks, to mention a few.