Himachal all set to open up hotels and temples: First COVID-19 case in Kinnaur

Posted on June 9, 2020 by


With the start of unlocking in India, Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Jairam Thakur stated that all hotels, restaurants, and temples in the state will resume after June 8. Further, it was stated by the CM that the tourism industry in the states has gone through a lot and now it’s time to get back over the blues. 

Hill station blossoms again!

Himachal Pradesh is a hilly state and major source of income for most of the people over there is tourism. They make their living primarily with the hospitality sector. Hence, the reopening of the hotels is extremely important. However, the tourist spots will re-open only for the people within the state and not for the interstate crowd. 

The state is planning to open hotels and temples with full sanitization facilities. Proper social distancing ruled will sustain the public places and anyone disobeying them would be held responsible. Keeping in mind the later changes, state officials have come up with various ideas to facilitate tourism but with precautionary measures only. 

First COVID positive in Kinnaur

Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh has recently detected its first COVID-19 positive case. There was one couple that came back from Delhi to Kinnaur. CMO or the chief medical offices of Kinnaur, Dr. Sonam Negi that one of those couples tested positive for coronavirus. The family belongs to Sangla and arrived back from Delhi around May 26. As a precautionary measure, all three including the wife, husband, and a 10-year-old is quarantined at Urni. 

However, even after all this; the state is having a positive hope to get back the things normal. As the country is planning to stabilize its economy that has been brutally injured by the coronavirus outbreak, so is Himachal Pardesh planning to do. An added benefit for the unlock of this state that they already had very few corona cases. At the start, there were as less as only 50 positive cases but the figures went quite higher with migrants getting back to Himachal from other regions of the country.

Many laborers as well as the students have entered the place leading to a rise in numbers. Even after that, the overall count was substantially low in comparison to other parts of the country. 

What data reveal?

While talking about the latest statistics, Himachal Pradesh has recorded around 342 Corona positive cases and about 5 deaths. But the country has gone ahead of 2 lakh figure. Overall in the country, almost 5815 deaths have been recorded countrywide. Although these statistics are scary, still people are trying to boost up themselves and move ahead with the unlock phase. Everyone is just having a hope to drag back the things to normal and get a normal lifestyle at least by the end of this year!