How I triumphed the hardest trek-Sar pass!!

Posted on May 12, 2017 by

Sar Pass is one of the most challenging treks and one of the main reasons I took it upon myself to experience it because I wanted to go through these different terrains and let me tell you, it was all worth it. For every obstacle that we faced and every twist and turn, there was a reward to be found in terms of sheer beauty that I saw.

The most wonderful thing about Sar Pass trek was that I saw so many different kinds of people there. There were beginners, thrill junkies, people who had already done it multiple times and of course regular trekkers like me. I was glad that out of all options, I picked YHAI (Youth Hostel Association of India).


The beginning is at base camp in Kasol, in Himachal Pradesh. The base camp itself was very good and informative. I got to interact with many interesting people and other trekkers to prepare for the day. Even the food served was good. Day first had no activities, so just settling in. The next day started with a bit of exercise in the nearby ground and some rock climbing to make us used to the climate and the hike.  Then we get to sit through a round of instructions. Next day, I left the Kasol base camp .


The first hike was just incredible with the thrill and excitement running in my veins. We walked through forests and the river flowed alongside. From base camp to Grahan, it was just greenery all around, mountains, plateaus, and beautiful flowers. Before reaching the Grahan camp, we met some children and I shared some candy with them. After reaching the camp, I just soaked my feet into the river and relaxed for a while. (The water was cold though). The food was ready along with the tents and the view was just incredible. Must Try: Piddus with chutney (local cuisine)

Next hike is to padre, the terrain is relatively easy and it is fun. The foggy woods just give off an adventurous vibe and afterward, the camp at the base of valley gives you a breathtaking view. The next day we had to walk uphill towards our way to Ratapani. The flowers on the way are just so beautiful and it actually started raining on the way. Fortunately, there were tea stalls near the camp and by the time it started raining, we were already inside. It would be have been one uncomfortable walk otherwise. By now, we were already close to the snowline.

The next stop was Nagaru and we were informed that it was going to the most difficult trek till now. With harsh wind blowing and snow, I did not think that I would love it so much. For most of the way, the snow nearby was just melting patches. I loved looking down; the sight just filled my heart. When we finally approached the snowy area, it was so slippery and I had to be really cautious but it was fun. The second we reached the camp, I was exhausted but the sights from there made me fill up with energy once again.


I thought most of the difficult part, we had endured but that was nothing compared to what was about to come. From Nagaru to Sar Pass and then further to Biseri, walking in snow was so difficult, I kept hoping I don’t fall. The stick helped and moreover there was something splendid about the struggle as well. The sights wouldn’t be worth it otherwise. What blew my mind is that we still got our usual tea and stuff. This trek is something to be experienced and not just explained in words. The feeling of sliding and sitting on snow, watching the majestic mountains and sun setting through the peaks.

Moving on to the last campsite, the path to Bandaktach was downhill and while the path may not be your usual beautiful, lying under the starlit sky during night time made it my favorite part of the whole trek. Then it was time for our journey back and there was a melancholic feeling about leaving such a beautiful place.

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